Leg Definition - Quadriceps separation

August 10, 2012Posted by Trainer

    The quadriceps is actually a group of several muscles. This guide will show you how to get definition without too stringy a look.

    The first thing to get out of the way is body fat percentage. No matter how strong, no matter how separated the muscles get, you will never see it if it's under an inch of fat. The body fat level needed, on average is the same that lets you see ab definition, so there's added motivation to get this done. Here is an MRI showing what's going on, it's pretty self-explanatory.

    So, what is the difference between "stringy" quad separation and "good" quad separation? It is a matter of the underlying muscle mass. This in turn is a function of the muscle type: whether the quad is composed of mostly fast twitch or slow twitch muscle.

    The classic slow twitch look is that of the thin long distance runner. Now certainly they have definition, but it might not be type that is attractive in a general sort of way. In order to have an underlying fullness, a look of strength, it is necessary to train anarobically, either plyometrically, or with weights, to enlarge the fast twitch fibers and bestow explosive strength.

    You'll be looking at 3 sets of squats or incline presses with weight such that you have to stop at 12 reps. Do 3 sets of leg extensions with weight for 12 reps. Finish with body weight squats, 20 or more, till you have to stop.


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