Keep In Mind At All Times

September 02, 2012Posted by Trainer

This is a short list of extremely vital tips to keep in mind.
Though short, this will save you months of training and probably some pain and injury too.
Tape this to the inside of your glasses or memorize it!

In the Gym:
1. At the first sign of unusual feeling or pain - STOP and rest
2. Variety is everything - Use all the machines, use all the rooms
3. Do the exercises you like the LEAST
4. You'll notice results in 4 weeks, stick with it. NOTE: Others will see your results MUCH sooner (see BDD)
5. Do not compete or compare with others in gym.

Nutrition and Diet:
1. Variety in Food - eat a variety of dishes, try different fruits and vegetables
2. Carbs OK for breakfast & before workout - No Carbs before bed
3. Cut sugar intake as much as possible
4. Beer is a bad idea (an occasional social beer OK)
5. OK to break rules no.2-4 occasionally -maybe once a week or 10 days (Rule 1)

1. A multivitamin once in a while in case your diet is short on something. Not daily.
2. Protein supplement after workout. Double protein on leg day.
3. Ignore all the other crap on the shelf